Even if you are off campus, you can still access resources from McGovern Library. The library website, library catalog, and guides are available to all users and does not require login access. Users are required to login to access databases and to read articles and eBooks found through the library catalog.
The process to log in is shown below. If you cannot access materials when off campus, please contact the McGovern Library at library@dwu.edu or the Help Desk at (605) 995-2900.
Accessing eBooks and Articles from the Library Catalog
To perform a basic search in the library's catalog (to determine what book, articles, etc. are owned and held by the library), you do not need to login. You will be able to see the various resources and read the descriptions located within the catalog.
To open up and and read an eBook or academic article, you will be prompted to sign in. Below are examples of each.
Conduct a search for the resources desired. Once you locate an eBook you would like to read, open the record by clicking the title, and click on "View eBook".
Once you click "View eBook", you will be redirected to the off campus login page. You will be asked to give your DWU credentials (which are the first part of your DWU email address and the password used for your email). Login, and you will be redirected to the eBook where you can read or download as desired.
Academic Article
Conduct a search for the article topic. Once you locate an article you would like to access and read, open the record by clicking the title, and click on "View Full Text".
Once you click "View Full Text", you will be redirected to the off campus login page. You will be asked to give your DWU credentials (which are the first part of your DWU email address and the password used for your email). Login, and you will be redirected to the academic article where you can read or download as desired.
Accessing the Library's Databases
To view and search within the library's provided databases, you will be asked to sign in when off campus. The steps to accessing databases from off campus are shown below.
Academic Databases through the Library's Website
Starting at the library's homepage, click on the "Database List" button located under Quick Links. This will bring you to the full list of available databases provided through McGovern Library.
Once at the A-Z databases list, select the database you would like to access. You will be redirected to the off campus login page. You will be asked to give your DWU credentials (which are the first part of your DWU email address and the password used for your email). Once logged in, you will be able to search the database as if you were on campus.
© 2023 McGovern Library, Dakota Wesleyan University
Email: library@dwu.edu | Phone: (605) 995-2618 | 1200 W. University Ave, Mitchell, SD 57301