NAICS Search Box
Search by keyword to locate the industry code.
2022 NAICS Manual
Explore the hierarchy of the sector codes.
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What are NAICS Codes?
The North American Industry Classification System was developed by the Office of Management and Budget as the standard for use for classifying businesses and industries. Originally, it was designed for statistical purposes, but is now used for non-statistical organization as well. The countries that use the NAICS are the United States, Canada, and Mexico.
What is the structure of the codes?
NAICS Codes are 2 through 6 digits long, creating a buildable classification system. They are organized hierarchically, offering 5 levels of detail. Each digit in the code is a part of a series of progressively narrower categories, with the more digits in a code, the greater the classification detail.
How do you determine the correct NAICS Code?
Use the NAICS Search Box to search by a keyword that describes your business. Or, use the 2022 NAICS Manual to click through the 2-digit sector codes to see all codes listed below.
Keyword Searched: coffee
Results Pulled: 39
111339 - Coffee Farming
722515 - Coffee Shots, on premise brewing
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