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Faculty Resources: Linking Resources


When sharing resources from the library’s databases, it is important to use the Persistent URL.  A Persistent URL is a link that is tied to a piece of information, so it will always link to the information after the session has ended and regardless of where the user is accessing the link from.

You may see it called a Permalink as is the case in EBSCO Databases or "Document URL" when in ProQuest Databases.  If you are linking to a resource in Canvas, you must use these link types for students to access the item successfully.

Link Through the Proxy Server

Another way that students may not be able to access linked materials from the database or catalog, is if the Off-Campus connect prefix (proxy server) is not connected. To ensure that all students can access the material (whether on or off campus) make sure the URL includes the proxy server redirect, which will prompt students to login using their DWU credentials when accessing materials off campus. 

To add in the proxy server prefix, copy and paste the entire URL (including the http://) after the following link:

Example URLs

Session URL (from the address bar)

Permalink from Article Record Page

Permalink with Proxy Server Prefix

How to Find the Permalink

Record from the Library Catalog

When linking to a record from the Library's Catalog (such as a book or eBook):

  1. Search and find the record you would like to share
  2. Click the "Link" button 
    • At the bottom of the record when showing all search results
    • At the top of the record when the full record is open after clicking on the title
  3. Copy and paste the permalink provided

Article from an EBSCO Database (Academic Search Premier, Business Source Premier, etc.)

  1. Search and find the article you would like to share
  2. Open the article record (by clicking on the title)
  3. Locate "Permalink" on the right-hand side of the screen under Tools
  4. Copy and paste the permalink provided

Article from JSTOR

  1. Search and find the article you would like to share
  2. Open the article record (by clicking on the title)
  3. Locate "Stable URL" located to the left of the article
  4. Copy and paste the permalink provided

Article from a ProQuest Database

  1. Search and find the article you would like to share
  2. Open the article record (by clicking on the title)
  3. Click on "All Options" located at the top-right of the screen
    • This will open up a menu box
    • The permalink is located at the top of the box
  4. Copy and paste the permalink provided

Remember to add in the Proxy Server prefix to ensure
that students can access the resource when off campus!


Copyright Note

Due to copyright and other barriers, please do NOT embed a PDF file or other full-text sources (e.g., e-book or journal article) directly into your Canvas Class.

Either link the permalink or share the full citation so students can locate the resource.

If you have questions or concerns about Copyright, please contact the library.

Link from Films on Demand

To link from Films on Demand:

  1. Click "Share" (located below the video)
  2. Click the "Embed/Link" tab
  3. Copy the "Record URL"

Note: The Proxy Server prefix is already included, so you do not need to add it for off-campus access.

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