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Supplying Activities
General Principles
InterLibrary Loan Supplying Policy
Requesting Activities
General Principles
InterLibrary Loan Requesting Policy
InterLibrary Loan for Distance Education Students
Interlibrary Loan is a worldwide cooperative sharing agreement between libraries that affords library users in any location the means to borrow materials not available locally from another library in the same state, region, country, or the world.
McGovern Library fully supports and actively participates in Interlibrary Loan activities in accordance with the following objectives from the Library's mission statement:
Interlibrary Loan may be subdivided into Supplying and Requesting activities.
McGovern Library:
1. Strives to respond to any Interlibrary Loan request received, regardless of the format of transmission, within 24 hours from the time of receipt.
1.1. Under normal conditions, Interlibrary Loans will be processed Monday through Friday during standard office hours, approximately 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Requests received outside of this timeframe will be processed the next business day.
1.2. When McGovern Library is closed due to university holidays, weather conditions, emergency situations, or for any other circumstances or reasons, requests will be processed the next business day that the Library is open.
2. Will not charge the requesting library for the use of our materials in response to an Interlibrary Loan request.
2.1. McGovern Library will pay for ordinary shipping charges to ship materials that do not require special handling or insurance to the requesting library.
2.2. The requesting library is responsible for paying ordinary shipping charges to return loaned materials to McGovern Library.
2.3. The requesting library is responsible for paying all extraordinary shipping charges for materials which require special handling or insurance.
2.4. The requesting library is responsible for paying any and all charges levied by McGovern Library for the recovery, repair, or replacement of items which become lost, stolen, damaged, destroyed, or otherwise overdue while in transit or in possession of the requesting library's patrons.
3. Will not fill an Interlibrary Loan request which is not in copyright compliance.
InterLibrary Loan Supplying Policy
McGovern Library:
1. Will make and send photocopies of periodical articles and chapters of books in response to Interlibrary Loan requests received, so long as such requests are copyright compliant.
2. Will circulate books, audiotapes, VHS tapes and DVDs, music CDs, and LPs otherwise available for general circulation on Interlibrary Loan.
2.1. Items owned for less than six months may not circulate.
2.2. Items on the New York Times Bestseller List do not circulate.
2.3. Special Collections materials (Jennewein, Boyajian, etc.) do not circulate.
2.4. Materials in formats not specifically named in this section circulate on a case-by-case basis.
3. Will specify the loan period, renewal availability, and any usage restrictions for each item which circulates on Interlibrary Loan.
3.1. Print materials generally circulate for one month, and may be renewed at the discretion of McGovern Library.
3.2. Non-print materials generally circulate for two weeks or less and are may be renewed at the discretion of McGovern Library.
3.3. Both print and non-print materials are subject to usage restrictions imposed by McGovern Library.
4. Reserves the right to restrict any item from circulating on Interlibrary Loan for any reason and at any time.
5. Will determine appropriate courses of action to recover, repair, or replace items which are lost, stolen, damaged, destroyed, or otherwise overdue while the responsibility of the requesting library.
6. Will restrict, suspend, or deny the borrowing privileges of a library which is in frequent, excessive, or gross violation of any of the guidelines established in this section of this document.
McGovern Library:
1. Strives to process any Interlibrary Loan request submitted, regardless of format of submission, within 24 hours from the time of receipt.
1.1. Under normal conditions, Interlibrary Loans will be processed Monday through Friday during standard office hours, approximately 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Requests submitted outside of this timeframe will be processed the next business day.
1.2. When McGovern Library is closed due to university holidays, weather conditions, emergency situations, or for any other circumstances or reasons, requests will be processed the next business day that the Library is open.
2. Will make every effort to obtain the requested materials at no cost to the patron.
2.1. The patron is responsible for paying any fees or charges associated with obtaining the requested material, except for fees associated with mailing the item(s) to and from the lending library.
2.2. When the requested material cannot be obtained except by paying a fee, McGovern Library will notify the patron of the charges and obtain the patron's consent to pay before continuing to process the request.
3. Strongly encourages patrons to make a complete and thorough search of the resources available at McGovern Library before submitting an Interlibrary Loan request.
4. Strictly complies with established copyright law and guidelines applicable to Interlibrary Loan, especially Title 17: Sections 107 and 108 of the United States Code and the CONTU Guidelines. For further information, see McGovern Library's "Copyright Policy" regarding Interlibrary Loan.
InterLibrary Loan Requesting Policy
1. Interlibrary Loan requests may be submitted by any Dakota Wesleyan University student, faculty, or staff member with a valid McGovern Library barcode.
1.1. No more than "a reasonable number" of Interlibrary Loan requests may be submitted by one person for a single paper or project, or in one day, unless permission is granted by a McGovern Library staff member.
1.1.1. For practical purposes, "a reasonable number" is defined as the number of Interlibrary Loan requests necessary for the patron to research any topic as completely, thoroughly, and comprehensively as desired.
1.2 Alumni and Mitchell Public Library patrons, even those with valid McGovern Library barcodes, must use the Interlibrary Loan services available at their local public library.
2. McGovern Library will notify the patron via electronic mail, telephone, or campus mail when requested materials have arrived and are ready for pick up or use.
2.1. The supplying library determines the loan period, renewal availability, and any usage restrictions for all requested materials.
2.1.1. Non-returnables (photocopies/microfiche copies) will be sent on via campus mail or to the requester's email account. These materials become the property of the requestor.
2.2. Returnables (items with due dates) not picked up within two weeks from the date of notification, or by the due date, whichever is earlier, will be returned to the supplying library
2.2.1. Failure to pick up Interlibrary Loan materials twice in one semester will result in disciplinary action apportioned by McGovern Library, up to and including suspension of the patron's Interlibrary Loan privileges for a specified period of time.
3. The requester assumes complete and total responsibility for the supplying library's Interlibrary Loan materials from the moment of check-out/pick-up to the moment of return.
3.1. InterLibrary Loan materials must be returned by the due date specified.
3.1.1. Failure to return Interlibrary Loan materials or request a renewal by the due date will result in the following disciplinary action by McGovern Library: Replacement cost and processing fees for the unreturned item(s) will be charged to the requester’s library account. Suspension of all borrowing privileges for McGovern Library materials until the overdue Interlibrary Loan material(s) have been returned or full payment has been received. Upon return of the overdue item(s), or receipt of payment, restriction of Interlibrary Loan privileges for 1 full semester during which all items with due dates will be designated “In Library Use Only.” If a further violation of occurs during this period, the patron’s Interlibrary Loan privileges will be immediately suspended for a semester long period, and any further materials with due dates borrowed by the patron will be designated “In library use only” for the duration of the patron’s enrollment.
3.1.2. Refusal to return Interlibrary Loan materials when requested by the library staff is considered a flagrant and intentional violation of the Academic Integrity policy. Violations of the Academic Integrity policy will be reported to the College Dean and the Provost.
3.2. The patron is responsible for paying any and all charges levied by the supplying library for the recovery, repair, or replacement of items which become lost, stolen, damaged, destroyed, or otherwise overdue while the patron's responsibility. A non-refundable, $15.00 processing fee will be charged by McGovern Library, in addition to any charges levied by the supplying library.
3.2.1. The patron is not financially liable for the loss, theft, damage, or destruction of the supplying library's Interlibrary Loan material while the material is in transit, being processed, or waiting for pick up.
InterLibrary Loan for Distance Education Students
Distance students are those students enrolled solely in online courses or those students enrolled in the Sioux Falls nursing program, and whose primary residence is not in Mitchell. If you are not certain of your status, or if you are a student whose status has changed, please contact the circulation supervisor, Judy Lehi by email (judy.lehi@dwu.edu) or phone at (605) 995-2894.
All General Interlibrary Loan principles detailed above apply to Distance Education Students, with the following stipulations:
1. Distance Education students may submit requests for books, DVDs, CDs, etc. (any returnable materials NOT owned by McGovern Library).
1.1. Via the Interlibrary Loan links found in the Library Catalog. Fill in all fields completely, making sure to include your current mailing address and contact information.
1.1.1. Enter the phrase "Distance student" in the notes field.
2. Interlibrary Loan materials with due dates will be sent to the requester via UPS.
2.1. The requester assumes complete and total responsibility for the supplying library’s Interlibrary Loan materials from the moment materials leave McGovern Library until the moment they are received back at McGovern Library.
2.1.1. The patron is responsible for paying any and all charges levied by the supplying library for the recovery, repair, or replacement of items which become lost, stolen, damaged, destroyed, or otherwise overdue while the patron’s responsibility. A non-refundable, $15.00 processing fee will be charged by McGovern Library, in addition to any charges levied by the supplying library.
2.1.2. The patron is not financially liable for the loss, theft, damage, or destruction of the supplying library’s Interlibrary Loan material while the material is in transit to or from the lending library, or while being processed at McGovern Library.
2.2. The requester assumes the cost of returning the materials to McGovern Library via UPS.
2.3. Interlibrary Loan materials must be shipped back to McGovern Library, or a renewal requested on or before the due date specified.
2.3.1. Failure to return Interlibrary Loan materials or request a renewal by the due date will result in the following disciplinary action by McGovern Library: Replacement cost and processing fees for the unreturned item will be charged to the requester’s library account. Suspension of all borrowing privileges for McGovern Library materials until the overdue Interlibrary Loan material(s) have been returned or full payment received.
2.3.2. Refusal to return Interlibrary Loan materials when requested by the library staff is considered a flagrant and intentional violation of the Academic Integrity policy. Violations of the Academic Integrity policy will be reported to the College Dean and the Provost.
3. Distance Education students may submit requests for any articles from journals, magazines or newspapers, including those owned by McGovern Library. To submit requests for articles:
3.1. Request all items via the Interlibrary Loan links found in the Library Catalog. Fill in all fields completely, making sure to enter the phrase "Distance student" in the notes field.
© 2023 McGovern Library, Dakota Wesleyan University
Email: library@dwu.edu | Phone: (605) 995-2618 | 1200 W. University Ave, Mitchell, SD 57301