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PSY 141: Foundations of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences : Class #1 Activity

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Storm Area 51 Event

Storm Area 51, They Can't Stop All of Us

Scenario: For the upcoming assignment, I have decided to look into the Storm Area 51 Event that was started on Facebook. I found a variety of articles from the internet, and now I need to decide which ones are good to use, and which ones are not. 

As a Group:

  1. Look through the sources and determine which will be good sources to use to provide background information about the Storm Area 51 Event.
  2. Justify why you said a source was good or not.
    • Create a list of things you looked for to determine if the information was good and useful to you.
    • Explain how you verified this information. 

Article #1: "How a viral quest to 'see them aliens' at Area 51 spiraled from a joke to a potential 'Fyre Festival 2.0'" from Insider 

Heller, S. (2019, September 16). How a viral quest to 'see them aliens' at Area 51 spiraled from a joke to a potential 'Fyre Festival 2.0'. Insider.

Article #2: "More than 1 Million People Agree to 'Storm Area 51,' But the Air Force Says Stay Home" from NPR

Allyn, B. (2019, July 15). More than 1 million people agree to 'Storm Area 51,' but the Air Force says stay home. NPR.

Article #3: "'Storm Area 51' event canceled after everyone realizes it's a horrible idea" from Air Force Times

Losey, S. (2019, September 11). 'Storm Area 51' event canceled after everyone realizes it's a horrible idea. Air Force Times.

Article #4: "Storm Area 51" from Wikipedia 

Wikimedia Foundation. (2022, August 4). Storm Area 51. Retrieved September 16, 2022, 

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