Phone: (605) 995-2618
McGovern Library
1200 W. University Ave.
Mitchell, SD 57301
Before checking out the "Check Out, South Dakota State Parks!" packet from the McGovern Library, you are required to fill out the following forms. Forms are available to download below, or can be filled out at the McGovern Library's circulation desk at the time of checkout.
The “Check Out, South Dakota State Parks!” program is a partnership between the South Dakota State Library and the South Dakota Game, Fish, and Parks, wherein the South Dakota State Library has partnered with libraries across South Dakota to allow library patrons in good standing to check out a State Park Entrance License, free of charge, and spend a day or two exploring South Dakota’s parks.
The following is included in the “Check Out, South Dakota State Parks!” Packet:
The McGovern Library has placed the following restrictions onto this item.
The McGovern Library has placed the following fees onto this item if the item is damaged, lost, or stolen.
© 2023 McGovern Library, Dakota Wesleyan University
Email: | Phone: (605) 995-2618 | 1200 W. University Ave, Mitchell, SD 57301