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Welcome to the Blogging Guide. 

This guide was created to provide background information about blogging and creating blog posts. Explore helpful how-to tips on creating a blog post, tutorial videos, and more.


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What is a Blog?

What is a Blog? 

Merriam-Webster defines a blog as "a website that contains online personal reflections, comments, and often hyperlinks, videos, and photographs provided by the writer" or "a regular feature appearing as part of an online publication that typically relates to a particular topic and consists of articles and personal commentary by one or more authors"

What is the Difference Between a Blog and Social Media? 

Blog posts and social media posts are not the same. Blogs focus on long-form content, while social media is a short, concise way to of providing a message. Blog posts may be an entire article or part of a series that goes into detail about a topic you want to share with your readers. Social media posts range anywhere from 140 Twitter characters up to 2,200 Instagram characters.

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