Highlight the Big Dates and Assignments
Highlight the biggest items for each of your classes so these key dates stand out.
Highlight Your Busy Weeks
Highlight the weeks that are going to be your biggest and busiest of the semester. This will give you a visual reminder of what is coming up on your schedule.
Update Your Plan
As the semester progresses, add any new deadlines to your Semester Plan. Don't just create the plan at the beginning of the year and never edit and look at it again.
Display Your Plan
Put your Semester Plan somewhere you will look at it frequently. Your plan will only be helpful if you look at it and use it.
Don't Erase Completed Assignments
Cross off items that you have finished instead of erasing them. This will give you a visual reminder of things you have gotten done (and you get the satisfaction of crossing items off as you go).
After determining what the best planner and scheduler is for you, it is now time to map out the major dates of the upcoming semester. Here are some things you should put in your Semester Plan.
Assignment Dates from Your Syllabi
At the beginning of each semester, take your class's syllabus and write down all of the dates your professor has provided for you. Write down when assignments and major projects are due.
Campus Wide Dates
Write down holidays, add/drop dates, breaks, events, and finals week that will happen across campus for all students. This will give you a heads up on what is happening throughout the semester (as well as give you dates to look forward to).
How to Start a New Semester or School Year the Right Way
by College Info Geek
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