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UNI 101: Library Scavenger Hunt (Fall 2022): Library Building Tips & Hints

Tips & Hints for Library Building Questions

Question 1: When you walk into Dakota Wesleyan University's library, you will pass the namesake of the library. Upload your group's selfie with the library's namesake. 

Tips & Hints

The namesake of the library can be found everywhere around the library... and you can find out more about them below!

Additional Information 

George McGovern was born in Avon, South Dakota. He graduated from Mitchell High School in 1940 and enrolled at Dakota Wesleyan University in the fall of 1940. During his time at Dakota Wesleyan, McGovern served in World War II, flying combat missions as a pilot. After the war, he returned to Dakota Wesleyan and graduated in 1946. In 1950, McGovern returned to Dakota Wesleyan as a professor of history and political science. In 1956, he was elected to the United States House of Representatives.  He was elected to the United States Senate in 1962.

In 1972, Senator McGovern was selected as the Democratic Party nominee for President. Though he lost the election, McGovern went on to serve under the presidencies of Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, and Bill Clinton. Under Clinton, McGovern was appointed to the post of Ambassador to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization.  

George McGovern passed away in 2012.

Explore the McGovern Library's Archive collection of George McGovern. 

Question 2: Tiger Café is located just inside the library. What library resources are located within the café area?

Question 3: New books from the main collection can be previewed online on the library's homepage, but are physically housed in Tiger Café. Upload your group's selfie of an interesting new book we might catch you reading. 

Tips & Hints

All three (3) collections are located next to Tiger Café.  

Additional Information 

When new books are purchased, they are placed in the New Books section for easy browsing. New books can cover a wide range of topics and can be for either academic purposes or pleasure reading. New books are also highlighted on the library website's homepage.

The library's collection of board games, puzzles, and cards are available for students to enjoy. All materials are In-Library Use Only, which means they cannot leave the library. But feel free to set up a game or puzzle at any of the tables around the library! And don't forget to look in the cabinets below for more options. 

A periodical is a magazine or newspaper published at regular intervals. There are several types of periodicals. Explore the various kinds in the table below. 

Question 4: Where are the following collections of books housed?

Question 5: According to the library map, how many classrooms are there?

Question 6: Studying is essential in college. And it is very important to know where all of the prime study spaces on campus are. Upload your group's selfie in your favorite study room (or study space). 

Question 7: According to the library map, how many study rooms are there?

Tips & Hints

Use the library map to discover spaces around the library!  

Additional Information 

The McGovern Library has several collections housed both online and within the building. The collections can be found on both floors of the library. Learn more about the collections by visiting the page McGovern Library: Collections

All of the library's study rooms are located on the second floor of the library. The two study rooms next to the Archives (Study Rooms 224 & 225) are reserved Monday-Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm for TRIO to use for testing. These rooms are available in the evenings for all students to use. All study rooms are first come, first served.  Each room is unique and contains different layouts and technologies. 

Question 8: The name of the library's children's collection is the ___ Children's Collection.

Question 9: From childhood classics to current award winning books, the children's collection has tons of books to check out and read. Upload your group's selfie of your favorite children's book. 

Tips & Hints

The Children's Collection is located on the second floor of the library in the northeast corner.

Additional Information 

The Margaret Teufel Children's Collection, an endowed collection of children fiction and non-fiction materials. The Teufel collection supports both the Education Department’s studies of juvenile literature and the reading needs of little Tigers. All materials are available to checkout.

This collection also houses the curriculum collection, which supports the Education Department. 

On the first floor, you will find the Young Adult and Graphic Novels Collection. While they are part of the Children's Collection, they are housed on the first floor for easy access and reading!

Several guides have been created to support the Children's Collection including Young Adult Reads and the Teufel Children's Collection. Both guides highlight new titles that have been added to these collections. 

Explore the Margaret Teufel Children's Collection in the library's catalog.

Question 10: True or False: TRIO's space is located on the second floor of the library. 

Question 11: You snapped a selfie in TRIO's space. Upload it here!

Tips & Hints

Check out the library's map to discover where things are in the library.

Additional Information 

TRIO Student Support Services provides a supportive community for students, from the first year through graduation. TRIO serves students who meet at least one of the following eligibility criteria: 

  • First generation college students
  • Students from limited income families 
  • Students with disabilities 

Learn more by visiting the TRIO page. 

© 2023 McGovern Library, Dakota Wesleyan University

Email: | Phone: (605) 995-2618 | 1200 W. University Ave, Mitchell, SD 57301