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UNI 101: Library Scavenger Hunt: Library Online Tips & Hints

Tips & Hints for Library Building Questions

Question 12: How do you contact the library?

Question 13: On the library's homepage, there is a ribbon of tabs located just below the library's banner. Which of the following is not one of the main tabs?

Question 14: On the library's homepage, which of the following are quick link buttons?

Tips & Hints

The homepage is full of information about the McGovern Library. Visit it at

Additional Information 

Contact information for the McGovern Library can be found in a variety of locations throughout the library's website, as well as on social media and beyond. 

Many library website pages and guides contain tabs, located along the top of the page. These tabs allow you to navigate between subpages while staying within the original guide. Inactive tabs are a dark blue, while the active tab (which tab you are clicked into) appear as a lighter blue. 

Question 15: The librarians have created short how-to videos that cover a variety of library resources and information. What are the main categories that the videos are broken down into?

Question 16: An InterLibrary Loan (ILL) is the sharing of library materials worldwide, and is used when the McGovern Library doesn't have access to the materials you would like to access. There is a McGovern Library How-To Video that looks into this topic. What is the name of the video?


Tips & Hints

Check out the How-To Videos guide at or by clicking on the How-To Video button under the homepage's quick links. 

Additional Information 

How to videos are created by the McGovern Library librarians and cover a variety of topics including general library information, library resources, how to use databases and other research tools, and additional information for graduate students. 

The library aims to keep all videos under the 5-minute mark for quick viewing and smaller amounts of information. These videos can be found throughout various guides, on the How-To Videos guide, and through the McGovern Library's YouTube Channel

Visit and Explore the How-To Videos Guide from the McGovern Library 

Visit and Explore the McGovern Library's YouTube Channel

Question 17: The library website has nearly 100 guides created to help students, faculty, and staff at DWU. On the Library Guide page, the guides are broken down into ___ number of areas. 

Question 18: Under "Guides by Subject", how many Subject Area guides are there?

Question 19: Click into any of the Subject Guides. What guide did you pick?

Question 20: ___ is not a tab option within your subject guide. 

Tips & Hints

Subject guides have been created to provide assistance and resources to various subject areas. Subject guides contain various tabs (located at the top of the guide) covering a wide variety of information, including: related library guides, help for research and assignments, reading materials, citation styles used, online resources, and more.

Additional Information 

There are four types of guides that have been created by the library and provide information and resources to students and professors.

Subject Guides / Guides by Subject: Focus on specific subjects and majors.
Note: These guides are in the process of being updated and freshened up!

Course Guides: Created for a single class.  These guides have been created to assist you in a specific class. (Just like this guide!)

Research Tools: Help with research specific topics such as citations, developing topics and keywords, and more. 
Note: These guides are in the process of being created and updated!

Displays & Events: Created for book displays, special events, and holidays.  These guides are fun and show off what the library has to offer (and provides additional outside information and resources). 

Check out all of the Library's Guides

Question 21: In the library's catalog, the librarian searched for materials about Harry Potter. They want to refine the search results. Where on the screen would you click to add in limiters to focus the search parameters? 

Question 22: In the library's catalog, the librarian searched for materials about Harry Potter. Where would you click to see the full record to learn more about the book?

Question 23: The Call Number (shelving location) of the book "Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King" is _____. 


Vocabulary to Know

Catalog: a list of books and other materials in a library.  Materials can be located physically within the library or digitally online. 

Search Terms: the words or phrases searched (like what you would put into a Google search)

Limiters: filters used to narrow the number of search results presented.  Common and useful limiters include date of publication, material type, full text, peer reviewed, and language. 

Material Type or Resource Type: the format materials are presented in (for example book, eBook, journal article, photograph, etc.)

Permalink: a URL or web address that is always available to use and find (even if the webpage or information moves).  Allows people to use a URL link without worrying it will be broken and not work in the future. 

How to Search the Library Catalog

  • Start at the Library's Homepage.  
    • There are two ways of searching the library's catalog. You can either type directly into the search box and hit search, or you can access the library's catalog by clicking on the "Library Catalog" button in the Quick Links. 
  • Type in your search term(s) and hit enter.
    • Search terms can be a title, author, keywords, or subjects.

Using Limiters to Find Materials 

  • On the left-hand side, you will see "Refine This Search"
  • Select which format you would like to search
    • You can choose Articles, Books (both eBook and Print Books), Videos, Magazines, and more. 
  • Select the Publication Year
    • This allows you to limit your search by year.  For most academic articles you want to limit to the past 10 years.

Question 24: Under the Uni 101 Week 3 Resources module, you can find a PDF on how to check out a library book. Put the steps in order to show "How to Check Out a Library Book."

Tips & Hints

Visit your UNI 101 Canvas page and check out Week 3's module!

Additional Information 

How to check out a library book is a frequently asked question, and the librarians have created a short visual aid to help users of the McGovern Library. Along with this question, the FAQ's page (which can be found on the library's homepage under the Quick Links), answers dozens of questions from students, faculty, and staff. 

Question 25: In the A-Z Database List, which of following databases are listed under Popular Databases?

Vocabulary to Know

Database: collections of online academic journals that you can search for articles. Databases are often subject-specific. 

Popular Database: databases that are frequently used by DWU students and professors.

Librarian Pick: a database that is recommended by a librarian for a specific subject.  By beginning your search in a Librarian Pick database in your subject area will result in more usable search results appearing. 

Finding the Database List

The McGovern Library provides access to over 100 databases for you to use. To find the full list of databases:

  • Start at the Library's Homepage
  • Locate the Quick Links located on the right-hand side of the homepage
  • Click on the Database List button

Go Directly to the full Database List

Narrowing Your Database List Selections

Finding the right database to search within is a vital part of conducting research.  There are several ways to narrow the list of databases to choose from.

  1. Limit by Subject
    • Use the dropdown menu for "All Subjects" to narrow your your databases by subject.
    • Some databases are listed under more than one subject.  These databases are multi-subject databases and provide a wide range of resources for you to use. 
  2. Popular Databases 
    • Scroll through the list of Popular Databases on the A-Z Database List Homepage.
    • These databases are the most frequently used by professors and your fellow students. 
  3. Search by Name
    • If you know the name of the database  you would like to search, you can find it by letter or by typing in the name of the database in the search bar. 

© 2023 McGovern Library, Dakota Wesleyan University

Email: | Phone: (605) 995-2618 | 1200 W. University Ave, Mitchell, SD 57301